Sharon Milton (Dyal Mandevi Kaur)
Sharon is a Fife-based Kundalini Yoga teacher who has been
practicing yoga for over 20 years.
Her Kundalini Yoga journey began
in 2017 when she attended regular classes and noticed the profound
effects the practice was having on her overall health.
Known, as ‘The Yoga of Awareness’ it is the holistic approach… which
encompasses more than just asana…the breathwork and the
connection to the subtle energetic body, that really stood apart from
her years of practice in hatha and ashtanga yoga.
She decided to
deepen her practice further by embarking on Level 1 Teacher
Training, gaining KRI Certification in 2019.
Whilst teaching in her local community, she decided to further
enhance her teaching practice through transformational Level 2
Kundalini Yoga training. Sharon has so far completed modules in
Lifecycles & Lifestyles and Vitality & Stress.
Sharon’s classes support adults of all ages and abilities. She also
provides one-to-one sessions focused on the student’s individual
Contact details
Classes & Workshops
Tuesdays 10-11am
Studio 72 Aberdour
Concessions and 1-1 sessions available on request.