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“Six Techniques to Fight Fatigue” download

I will always remember my first Kundalini Yoga experience. I had just finished a foundation course to be a hatha yoga teacher, and then I went to a kundalini yoga class. It felt as if, after travelling on a standard train, I suddenly popped on a TGV. Wow, it was so powerful…


Many years onwards, Kundalini Yoga’s power still fascinates me day by day. 
Among many other benefits, Kundalini Yoga helped (and helps) me to become a better person. The constant confrontation with myself through the practise can be hard sometimes, but it is definitely worth it. It is like a therapy which empowers you. 

I did the Level 1 teacher training in 2017 and I am in the process of undergoing my Level 2 training.

I firmly believe in the change and transformation that this amazing tool can bring into our lives regardless our age, gender and circumstances. I would love to share this tool with you if you are ready.

See you on the mat

Bogi x



What my students say:


“Bogi is an amazing Kundalini Yoga teacher because her focus is to pass on her knowledge and passion to other people. When we are in class (and also outside), our well-being is her number 1 priority and I have never met someone so caring and compassionate as her!

She teaches yoga, yes, but most of all, she is teaching me a better way to treat myself and my life! Thank you!” - Daniela, Edinburgh


"Kundalini yoga offers a way to be truly present, to strengthen the mind and body, and to deepen our connection with ourselves and everything that surrounds us. I’ve been practising with Bogi for a year and in that time we have also become great friends. She is gentle, but gives you all the encouragement you need to push further. She shares her learnings (she is always learning) in such a lovely way at each class, with her own unique sense of humour. It’s not so easy to describe in words what being part of Bogi’s community means to me. But I know how it feels in my heart" 

-Lee, Edinburgh


"The strength and honesty of Bogi are a gift for the yoga practice and the world. There is lots of care and love in her classes. They feel very authentic, infused with a real understanding of life and all its challenges. I personally find the classes and Bogi's presence deeply centering and calming. Whether you are new to Kundalini Yoga or have some experience, I would highly recommend her work" - Elise, Edinburgh


Classes & Workshops





Online class fee: £8.00

Block of 5 online classes: £35.00





16th July, 30th July,20th August, Portobello Beach


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